Saturday, January 25, 2020

Political and Country Risks in International Business

Political and Country Risks in International Business Introduction: Political and country risks: Financial institutions and business organizations operate its business activities abroad in order to diversify and expand their sources of revenue and profitability. Organizations that make investment in a foreign market either in the form of equity or assets are exposed to risks that may arise either from an act of the host government or from other external political events taking place in that country, these risks include social, political and economic conditions and events that imposes negative impact on the financial performance and profitability of foreign organizations. Types of political and country risks: The following are the main types of political and country risks that may affect the business performance of an international organization operating in foreign countries. Nationalization or deprivation: Nationalization is a process whereby a government takeover privately owned industries, corporations and resources with or without compensation. Nationalization is a political risk which makes it very difficult or impossible for international organizations to invest in a country where businesses are exposed to such risk. In past governments have nationalized highly profitable industries on the ground that it does not want foreign ownership of its valuable resources for instance in 2006 the Bolivian government nationalized the countrys oil and natural gas industries. Similarly in January 2007 the Government of Venezuela announced to nationalize firms in two major sectors of the countrys economy i.e. telecommunications and electricity. In November 2009 the president of Venezuela announced that he will nationalize banks in the country. Forced divestiture: forced divestiture another type of country risk in which an international firm is forced to divest its business operation, an example of forced divestiture is the Indonesian subsidiary of French retail giant Carrefour which has been ordered to sell the 75% stake it acquired in smaller rival Alfa Retailindo in January 2008. Gradual expropriation: Expropriation means a quick action of government to seize the assets of foreign entity, but in gradual expropriation a single international company is targeted by the host government. Gradual or creeping expropriation involves slow and gradual removal of property rights by way of tax increase on profits to make a foreign business less profitable, increase in property tax, instituting increasing barriers, changing the proportion of ownership which must be held locally. In gradual expropriation the ownership title of business remains in the name of foreign investor but the right to use the business is diminished as a result of the government interference. An example of gradual expropriation is when China announced a policy restricting the property rights of domestic and foreign automakers to transfer their ownership or enter into strategic alliance in China, by banning the sale or transfer of manufacturing licenses by bankrupt or failing automakers. Similarly in Tecinicas Medioambientales Tecmed S.A. V. The United Mexican States it was declared that the Mexican government has committed expropriation because of non-renewal of a license necessary to operate the landfill. Currency inconvertibility and exchange: Currency inconvertibility means a situation where one currency can not be converted or exchanged into foreign currency. This is another political risk for an organization operating its business activities abroad. In such case a foreign government may restrict the right of foreign firms to repatriate profits to their home country and all profits remain in the foreign country. Inconvertibility of currency may arise due to passing new legislation or administrative delays. In administrative delays the bureaucracy in a foreign country takes more time in currency conversion and creates a financial burden upon foreign companies. Some countries issues inconvertible currency for instance Cuban peso in order to protect its citizens from perceived capitalist infiltration, similarly domestic regulators may consider foreign currency inconvertible in order to protect local investors from bad investment decision i.e. hyperinflation of currency. Termination of fuel supply agreements: Termination of fuel supply agreement is another political risk for an international organization functioning in a foreign country. A foreign company whose business activities are solely dependent upon fuel supply under an agreement with the host government, or with the host company and when such agreement is terminated than in such circumstances the company will face major problem in continuing its business in such foreign country. Confiscation: Confiscation of international business is a severe form of political risks where host government seizes the assets of a foreign company without compensation. The U.S. 1996 Helms-Burton Law entitles the U.S. companies to sue companies from other countries that use property confiscated from U.S. companies following Cubas communist revolution in 1959. But the U.S. government waived this law repeatedly in order to maintain good relations with other countries. Terrorism and kidnapping: Kidnapping and other terrorist activities are means of making political statements. Small groups unhappy about the current political or social situation can resort to terrorist tactics to fulfill their demands. 9/11 tragedy is a prominent example. These groups may target the executives of large international companies for kidnapping and taking of hostages in order to fund their terrorist activities. The current political instability, terrorist activities and internal conflicts in Pakistan is a good example, where an international firm is exposed to a verity of threats arising from such activities and makes it impossible for such firm to operate business effectively and increase its profitability. Policy changes: Furthermore good relationship between the host government and international companies is of vital importance for operating a successful and profitable business and any political change that modify the anticipated effect and worth of a given economic action by changing the likelihood of achieving business objectives than it affects international businesses to a greater extent and the governments hard and fast new policies can create huge problems for international companies. Contractual frustration: Frustration of contract means legal termination of contract between the parties because of unforeseen circumstances which makes the performance of such contract practically impossible. These circumstances include, accident, change in law, sickness of one of the parties and interference from third party etc. In international business perspective companies that enter into trade agreements for export or import of goods or services either with government or private entities in foreign countries are often exposed to underlying political risks. Such contract may be frustrated at any time for a number of political reasons that are beyond the control of the parties. Transfer: Transfer risks take place when host government policies imposes limitation on the transfer of capital, payments, production, people and technology in and out of country i.e. imposing tariffs or restrictions on import and export, repatriation of capital or remittance of dividend etc. Trade disruptions: Devaluation: Screening for political risks: In order to operate successful business activities overseas it is very important for international companies to identify, analyze, measure and manage those political and country risks that are encountered by such company. Analysis of political risks: In order to analyze political risks, these are categorizes in two levels according to their nature, severity and intensity i.e. Macro political risk analysis and micro political risk analysis. Macro political risk analysis: This is an analysis that observes major political decisions likely to affect all businesses in a country. Macro risk factors include freezing the movement of assets out of the host country, limiting the remittance of profits or capital, currency devaluation, refusing to perform contractual obligations previously signed with the MNCs, industrial piracy (counterfeiters), political disorder and government corruption. Micro political risk analysis: This is an analysis that is directed towards government policies and decisions that influence selected sectors of the economy or specific foreign businesses in the country. The examples are selective discrimination, industry regulation, imposition of taxes on specific types of activity, restrictive local laws and host government policies that promote exports and discourage import. Management of political risks: Political risks can be managed through applying different strategies i.e. avoidance, reduction or shifting of risk and post commitment practices. Avoidance: If any enterprise realizes that making investment in a country will expose such enterprise to political risks the most simple strategy to keep away from such political risks is not to invest in such country and to go somewhere else, this is pre-commitment strategy that can be used before the commencement and making any final commitment. Reduction or shifting of risk: Another way of managing political risk is that a foreign company can implement a financial structure that shifts risks to local creditors and shareholders. Similarly contracts can be designed whereby a force majeure clause is included to revise and free contractual parties from their contractual obligations in case of any violence, coup, insurrection and long-term trade disruption etc. Post-commitment practices: Post-commitment practices mean adoption of strategies after making investment and commencement of business activities in overseas market. This kind of strategy takes various forms i.e. modification of employment or the ownership of the business, minority interest, designing operational structure, diversification and taking insurance policy. Modification of employment or the ownership of the business: If a foreign firms top management is controlled by local nationals or their ownership is significant or establishing of a joint venture of 50-50 ownership with a local firm than the host government would have less incentive to nationalize such business. Minority interest: Another useful strategy of managing political risks is to adopt minority interest in the business. Designing operational structure: Designing the operational structure of business in a way that attracts the inflow of foreign exchange in the host country and establishing good relations and close cooperation of management with the host government will also safeguard such firm from any threat from the host government. Diversification: If any political risk is encountered by a foreign firm while operating business activities overseas the best way is to diversify and expand its business operation into other countries that are not exposed to such type of risks. Taking insurance policy: Moreover to avoid any kind of loss that can be inflicted due to any political or country risk the company can go for insurance policy but it is very expensive and can minimize the profitability of such firm. conclusion: Catherine Rampell, When Government Takes Over Industries in Trouble, The New York Times, January 21, 2009: Available Caracas, Chavez to nationalize ‘strategic sectors, The Washington Times, Tuesday, January 9, 2007: Available Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatens to nationalize banks, The Times of India, International Business, 30 November 2009: Available Business Monitor International, Carrefour forced to divest Alfa Retailindo Stake, Indonesia- Mass Srocery Retail, Nov 5 2009: Available John OConnell., Creeping Expropriation, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Blackwell Publishing,. Blackwell Reference Online. 22 December 2009: Available Leon. P (2009) Creeping Expropriation of Mining Investments: an African Perspective, Journal of Energy Natural Resources Law, Vol 27 No 4 2009, p 598: Available Dr. Leonard. M (2004), China, Country Briefing, June 7, 2004, Creeping Expropriation, Threats to Property Rights, And Rising Economic Risk: Remember Communism? AON Trade Credit Inc: Available Tecinicas Medioambientales Tecmed S.A. V. The United Mexican States, International Centre for Settlement of Investment of Disputes (May 29, 2003) Case No. ARB (AF)/00/2: Available John OConnell., Currency Inconvertibility, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Blackwell Publishing,. Blackwell Reference Online. 22 December 2009: Available Inconvertibility, Financial Dictionary: Available Wild. J. J. et al (2008) International business the challenges of globalization, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey p 97 Wild. J. J. et al (2008) International business the challenges of globalization, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey p96. Frustration of contract, Business Dictionary: Available olitical Risks Briefing for Contract Frustration, Marsh an MMC company, July 2001, p 1: Available

Friday, January 17, 2020

Ethical Theories Within the Film “Crimes and Misdemeanors” Essay

In the final scene of the movie Crimes and Misdemeanors, I believe the fictional philosopher Louse Levy’s message was very similar to philosophy Jean-Paul Sartre and his theory on existentialism. One of Sartre’s quotes, â€Å"Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself.† Levy is trying to convey that we are in control of our choices and we choose our own happiness. In the final scene of the film Levy states, â€Å"We’re all faced throughout our lives with making conscience moral decisions. Some are on a grander scale than others, but we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices.† So when Levy’s character states, â€Å"most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and find joy from simple things†, this is based on our choices. We decide to be happy or sad. Because we as human beings have the ability to think rationally or ill-rationally, our minds have the capacity to feel emotions, to dream up, or cognitively entertain, a mind-based reality of happiness. One of the survival tactics as human beings is our ability to strive for happiness; and once a level of happiness is achieved there is always a need for more; it is a never ending pursuit of happiness. Our happiness should also be achieved without pain. Ever though we strive for this happiness there is no methodical way to obtain happiness or does the sense of happiness always become achieved. I believe this viewpoint is heavily reflected throughout the movie, Crimes and Misdemeanors. I think all the characters in the movie are striving and hoping for happiness but I think the only character who truly achieves the ultimate happiness would be Rabbi Ben. The role of GOD in establishing ethical values and whether the world would be valueless if GOD didn’t exist is displayed throughout this movie. Rabbi Ben (Sam Waterston) leads a moral life throughout the film and he ends up blind, but he can dance with his daughter with a clear conscience. The irony about this character is he fails to see in the real world yet he has strong spiritual vision. His detachment from mundane concerns, and emphasize on what is real and meaningful – a life devoted to GOD. The ideas that only by blinding oneself to reality can one live a meaningful life devoted to GOD. The symbolism of blindness seems to have a connection to a blind universe indifferent to any sense of justice. In fact all of the religious characters in Crimes and Misdemeanors suffer from impaired vision and are portrayed wearing glasses. This may represent their inability to  see the true nature of reality and the understanding of true happiness. I feel all of the characters in this film reflect the viewpoint of hope and the desire to achieve happiness without pain; it is just the choices, consequences or motive of their actions that is misguided. We make consequentialist decisions regarding our actions to separate the morally right from wrong which leads us to our ultimate goal of happiness. But what determines if an action is moral right or wrong? Stuart Mill’ theory on, â€Å"The Principle of Utility†, views the consequences that arise from the action to determine the moral worth of an action; the best decisions result in good consequences for the largest number of people. He also believes that happiness equal pleasure; the actions are morally right to the extent that they produce lots of pleasure. Other theorists like Immanuel Kant, who takes a deontology approach on the intention or motive of the action. He believes that our actions are morally right only if we can apply them universally. I feel the character Lester (Alan Alda), displays the theories of Jean Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche. He’s a successful television producer with a pompous attitude. His character takes charge of his own destiny. He knows what he wants and goes after it. His Will to Power is great and sets no limitations on what he can achieve throughout this film. There are a few characters in Crimes and Misdemeanor who strive for the hope of happiness but fall short. The main character, Judah Rosenthal (Martin Landau) this character is a successful ophthalmologist who achieves short-term happiness in a two year affair with a woman named Dolores (Anjelicia Huston). When Dolores threatens tell his wife of there affair his moral structure is threaten he feels as if his entire universe becomes meaningless. But, by the end of the film Judah make peace with himself and finds that he commits a crime and gets away with it. He is only implicated to his own moral consciousness. In reality, hope i s the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torments of man. FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, Human, All-too-Human The second character that falls short of achieving happiness would be Clifford Stern (Wood Allen); this character is a small-time film maker hired by his brother-in-law Lester to produce a documentary about his life and work. Clifford dislikes Lester as well as his marriage to Lester’s sister  Wendy (Joann Gleason). While filming this documentary Cliff falls in love with Lester’s associate producer, Halley Reed (Mia Farrow). However Cliff’s efforts to woo Halley fail and in the end Wendy chooses to be with Lester. This gives proof that good doesn’t always prosper over evil. The comment by Halley after learning about Levy’s death she says, â€Å"No matter how elaborate a philosophical system you work out, in the end it’s got to be incomplete.† I believe it is the selfish needs, constant change, as well as the desires of human beings that allow people to choose right from wrong and good from bad. It is all about wants over needs. I believe Halley didn’t initially want Lester it was his constant appeal to the things that she needed which gave her pleasure that won her over. Not the roses because she was allergic, but the caviar and his influence and power. I believe that the universe is in fact indifferent. However, if there is no GOD, there can be no objective standards of right and wrong. All we are confronted with is â€Å"the bare valueless fact of existence† (Jean-Paul Sartre). This is probably what Rabbi Ben meant during the film when he said, â€Å"Without the law, it’s all darkness, and, â€Å"You Judah see the world as harsh and empty of value and pitiless.† Rabbi Ben states, how he couldn’t not exist without moral structure-with real meaning-with forgiveness and some kind of higher power. Also during the climax of the film Judah concludes that â€Å"GOD is a luxury that he can’t afford† and arranges for Dolores-mistre ss (Angelica Houston) to be murdered. Afterwards, in a state of despair he visits his childhood home and recreates in his mind a Passover Seder from his youth. Judah’s atheist Aunt May (Anna Berger) and religious father Sol, is an exploration of the relationship between morality and GOD and the problem of morality in a godless universe. Aunt May takes the position of the atheist and moral relativist in the ensuring debate as she envisions a cruel and godless world with no objectives standards of good and evil and no moral purposes behind human reality. Aunt May believes individuals justify their actions as they wish: â€Å"For those who want morality there’s morality. Nothings handed down in stone.† Aunt May argues that in a world where everything is permissible, there is nothing to stop an individual from committing murder other than their own conscience. â€Å"And I say, if he can do it, and get away with it, and chooses not be bothered by the ethics, then he’s home free.† We live in a universe where our moral ethics between right and wrong are greatly  unbalanced. A world where the good suffer, the bad prosper and no greater power will ever rectify this which is a sad consequence. It is really hard to establish a basic moral or ethical system for human beings because we are so indiff erent of each other. We have for example the Bible or the Koran, but, like Aunt May state in the film, â€Å"For those who want morality there’s morality.† [Also in the final scene of the film Judah draws Cliff into a supposedly hypothetical discussion that draws upon his morals. Judah says that with time, any crisis will pass; but Cliff morosely claims instead that one is forever fated to bear ones burdens for â€Å"crimes and misdemeanors†] Wikipedia. We battle daily for justice. All we can do as human beings is to hope for happiness try to utilize our own moral ideas and meaningful values to again hopeful influence our lives and to reflect upon future generations. References â€Å"Crimes and Misdemeanors (Philosophical Films).† Crimes and Misdemeanors (Philosophical Films). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Final Scene.† YouTube. YouTube, 04 Feb. 2009. Web. 30 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Crimes and Misdemeanors.† Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Mar. 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Existentialism Is a Humanism Quotes.† By Jean-Paul Sartre. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2013. IMDb., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2013. â€Å"The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture.† The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2013.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sexual Abuse And Child Abuse - 1983 Words

Sexual abuse to a child can be a confusing and devastating experience for the family. Families who are affected by child sexual abuse can have a difficult time talking about the abuse. Studies have shown that about one out of every four girls and one out of every five boys are sexually abused by the time they are 18 years old. Sexual abuse to children does not discriminate based on socioeconomic status, ethnicity, culture, religion or education. Treating a victim of child sexual abuse is a difficult process because of the lack of trust the child will have for authoritarian figures. Often times when child sexual abuse occurs the family members have a hard time acknowledging or even believing the abuse occurred, which can lead to the family†¦show more content†¦Child abuse is reported about 80,000 times per year, but the most disturbing fact is how many reports of child abuse go unreported due to the child being afraid to talk about the abuse, and not wanting to get their offender in trouble. Children between the ages of three to five years old are considered to be the most vulnerable to be a victim of sexual abuse. Children need to have supervision at all times, especially during times like changing clothes and bathing. If unsupervised, this can open the door for sexual abuse by the relatives, babysitters, etc. The second risk factor is the socioeconomic status; the offender will notice the child isn’t getting any attention from the family and will manipulate the situation with the child. The perpetrator will offer to buy the child things that the family can’t, listen to the child’s problems and gain their trust. The level of education plays a role, if the child is raised by a single parent and/or if the parents have marital problems. Once trust is established this is when the perpetrator will sexually abuse a child. Lastly, the final part is how well the child knows the perpetrator. The abuse of the child usually has occurred for a long time due to the close relationship between the child and perpetrator. The perpetrator will groom the child and his/her family by doing things for them, which the abuser has been targeting the child forShow MoreRelatedChild Sexual Abuse And Child Abuse1308 Words   |  6 PagesChild sexual abuse is a problem that many people are still unaware of. Currently, one in twenty boys and one in five girls are sexually abused (Child Sexual Abuse Fact Sheet). In the past, children’s accusations of sexual abuse have not been believed (Berk 352). Many children told adults, yet still had to carry the burden, as adults, of their rapist never being caught. However, now, people are recognizing the truth and are trying to come up with a solution (Berk 352). Despite the increased effortRead MoreChild Sexual Abuse1260 Words   |  5 Pages Child sexual abuse is a social crisis of significant magnitude. This type of abuse has been found to be correlated with the advancement of an extensive range of mental health and social problems in children and adults. Child sexual abuse is the term used when an adult uses a child or adolescent for his own sexual gratification or pleasure. Furthermore, a frequent expression of childhood sexual abuse is control over the abused child. This type of abuse knows no particular demographic and occursRead MoreChild Sexual Abuse1573 Words   |  7 PagesChild Sexual Abuse CONTENT PAGE 1. Introduction Page 1 2. Case Study Page 1 3. How this Affects learners Page 2 4. Policies and Procedures Page 2 5. Raising Awareness Page 3 6. Conclusion Page 3 7. References Page 4 Appendix 1. INTRODUCTION Research indicates that 1 out of every 4 children will be the victim of sexual abuse before reachingRead MoreChild Sexual And Sexual Abuse1659 Words   |  7 PagesChild Sexual Abuse Why does child sexual abuse happen and what are the effects of it? â€Å"Child sexual abuse is sexual contact with a child that occurs as a result of force or in a relationship where it is exploited because of an age difference or caretaking responsibility† (Finkelhor). Roughly 1.8 million children have been sexually victimized in the United States (NSOPW). Although there is no proof that racial or socioeconomic groups is a factor in a predators choosing, studies show that childrenRead MoreChild Sexual Abuse And Children1301 Words   |  6 PagesChild sexual abuse effects tens of thousands of children, and young teens every year. With the rate of this issues, parents and other adults are not prepared nor willing to deal with problems of their children or family members been sexual abused. Child sexual abuse can take many forms, but it’s always a violation of a young person’s rights, and it increases the risk of many adverse physical and mental health conditions . Furthermore, child sexual abuse is defined as direct genital contact and indirectRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Sexual Abuse901 Words   |  4 Pages After reading the article by Rind, Tromovich, and Baserman, and the other associated commentaries I have drawn a few conclusions. First I do not believe in the Rind et al. s final theory that child sexual abuse does not cause intense and extensive harm in the long term. However, I do not fully renounce all of his theories. I have concluded that their final theory needed more precise research and there were holes in their research and theory. I also believe that they did not consider the impactRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexual Abuse On A Child1316 Words   |  6 Pagesabused before they turn eighteen years old (Wurtele, 2014). Abuse to a child whether in the form of physical, emotional, sexual, or neglect is never acceptable. Children are our future, and we should treat our future with respect and guidance in order to ensure a happy and safe environment for all. Unfortunately, many children are abused around the world whether it is physically, emotionally, sexually, or through neglect. Sexual abuse to a child, to many, is unthinkable. Who could do such a thing? ThroughRead MoreChild Sexual Abuse And The Community892 Words   |  4 Pagesother words, it is working with the community. Child Sexual Abuse impacts the community in several ways, such as through fear, confusion, as well as economically. Though the abuse might only physically affect one person, it could still greatly impact everyone else. The first way that Child Sexual Abuse affects the community is through fear. Sometimes families in communities have an ideal idea about their identity and if something, such as Child Sexual Abuse happens in a family in that community, it couldRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Sexual Abuse Essay856 Words   |  4 Pages Introduction Child sexual abuse is one of the most serious public health problems and crimes in the world, resulting from the interaction of individual, family, social, and cultural factors (Pereda, Guilera, Forns, Gà ³mez-Benito, 2009). In China, there is increasing coverage about some particular cases and increasing number of reports to All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) from only a hundred in second half of 1997 to over 3000 in 2000 (Long, 2007), but it could be believed that the number of casesRead MorePsychoopathology Of Child Sexual Abuse757 Words   |  4 PagesThe research put forth by Rind et al (1998), while obviously controversial, was delving into other variables that could be correlated to the severity of psychopathology of victims that experienced child sexual abuse. While child sexual abuse is a very sensitive subject, I think this research has benefited the conversation of CSA. There are multiple variables that cause a person’s psychopathology and to blame the men tal disorders on strictly one event or multiple events of the same acts is in my opinion

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Learning Outcome Checklist - 992 Words

Throughout my Spelman journey, I have encountered a variety of complex assignments and projects that required critical thinking skills, reflections and analyses, and the use of different tools. Each assignment required a tremendous amount of time and dedication in order to develop a successful final product. Being a biology major, I had to find ways to relate biological features with assigned topics from core electives of different subject areas. Quite frequently, I would find it extremely difficult to relate biology to subject areas that I felt had no relation to my major. However, as time progressed, I began to make these type of connections with ease due to my knowledge in the field of biology expanding. In this reflection, I will describe ways in which a particular assignment during my duration at Spelman reflects one or more objective from the learning outcome checklist. To begin, I chose to upload an assignment that reflects the intellectual intersection portion of the learning outcome checklist. I chose this particular learning outcome because throughout Spelman, the intersectionality of black women in various sectors of life has been an underlying message or purpose that Spelman has embedded within us. Being enrolled in African Diaspora of the World for two semesters during my freshman year, I was exposed to issues that I did not know exist. ADW opened my eyes and made me acknowledge problems that black women have faced and continues to face today. I am beyondShow MoreRelatedThe Planning Process Used For The Backward Design1324 Words   |  6 Pagesalignment that proposes a complete alignment of; the learning outcomes, the assessment tasks, and the teaching and learning experiences (Readman Allen, 2013, p. 15). 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